I've been practicing yoga on and off for about 10 years now. More consistently over the past few years and fell in love with it when I stepped into a studio in 2014. It's helped me stay strong, bendy when the joys of aging decide it's time for those the little creeks and cracks. It was after I was able to rehab my lower back pain that I decided that I wanted to learn more about sequencing, learn what was behind teaching and all that was really behind yoga. To my surprise it was MUCH more than I expected.
I'm a very introverted person, I usually enjoy people watching and going off on my own to enjoy a good book than do the whole crowd thing. I've learned to flex more on the extroverted side thanks to my husband (that's a good thing, otherwise I may have become chronically shy). Anywho, teaching yoga has gotten me to get out of my shell. I have learned so much, it still amazes me!
My first teaching class was a flow and meditation class, which I still love teaching to this day. The woman who came to my class was under the weather, stressed out and needed to just "be". I did a flow with her, then got her comfy for her meditation. I personally don't like talking through meditation. I give a few pointers prior to meditating, then allow for my students to be in stillness for however long is necessary. Afterwards is what I enjoyed most, I got to hear how she felt, how she enjoyed the meditation and the practice. I remember being so nervous at first and afterwards it all went away with her appreciation. What I loved most is that she made it part of her lifestyle, even when she was ill, she would have her mat with her so she could practice.
I don't want yoga to stop at the studio, it should be something that people can take with them outside in their every day. From the poses, to the breathing techniques used in class, you can do it all on your own time, when things get hairy at work, or when you have time from movement. It provides a sense of self, awareness, and calm. I encourage all my students to meditate and do a few of the moves at home, especially when they have things that can be remedied with mild movement. (Anything more requires a doctor's care). I don't want students to be intimidated by the poses in class, just remember to warm up with soft, slow movements before trying to get into anything challenging. It's what I do in my own life and I encourage others to do the same. At the end of the day, it becomes a sense of accomplishment, grounding and serenity.